My name is Adam and I am a developer

Just a quick introduction. My name is Adam, I am a developer for the Access Group and I work mainly on front-end projects. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript and JavaScript are the day to day areas I work in.

Me and Annie

Technical stuff I'm interested in

From a technical point of view my interests are modern Front-end development tools and techniques. Some stand outs to me are:

  • Chrome DevTools, this really helped me unlock my understanding of the browser.
  • Grunt, an amazing tool that gave me a great 'in' into Node. Well thought out automation is incredible and can help raise the standards of code being produced by an immeasurable amount.
  • JavaScript powered static site generators, this site is generated by hexo, but I've looked at quite a few others before finding hexo.
  • Angular, is one of a few MV* style frameworks I've used. With each of the frameworks and libraies I've used I've found that it has been an opportunity to learn more about JavaScript. For example after building an app in Angular I have a much better understanding of memory locations.
  • IFTTT more automation, this time taking advantage of the APIs available from sites, services and devices to listen for triggers and take actions.


I recently married this incredible woman I'm still amazed by the wonderful vision she had for our wedding and in awe of everything she accomplished on the day, in all honesty I was in awe before the wedding and still in awe.


The main purpose of this blog is a selfish one. It's to help me develop ideas and my understanding. To use a different part of my brain while writing and finally to have a site I can use in anger, to play with and develop.

So that's a quick insight into me and this blog my name is Adam and I am a developer.

Adam Sanderson

I am a front-end developer. My day-to-day work is with JavaScript which is lucky because that's the part of web development I find most interesting.

I've had an idea for a local developer meet-up in Hastings called Devtings